Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
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Phase III (2020 - 2025) Project Documents

Click Here for Phase I or Phase II Documents

Phase III documents are listed as Chapters. Each Chapter functions as a standalone document and may be viewed and/or printed individually. Fact Sheets are one-page overviews of individual topics. Newsletters are published quarterly and document project activities and other aviation related news around the state.


Chapter 1 - Public Involvement Plan

                   Engagement Update (2022)

                   Engagement Update (2023)

Chapter 2 - Prior Phase Evaluation

Chapter 3 - Classifications & Performance Measures

                   Appendix A - Charts

                   Appendix B - Maps

Chapter 4 - Capital Improvement & Maint. Program (CIMP)

Chapter 5 - Inventory & Needs Update

Chapter 6 - Western Alaska Airport Resiliency Work Plan

                    Cold Weather Research - coming soon!

                    Plan Recommendations - coming soon!

Chapter 7 - System Planning Database Innovation

Chapter 8 - Final Phase III Summary & Recommendations


AASP Phase III Newsletters

Newsletter Spring 2024

Newsletter Winter 2024

Newsletter Fall 2023

Newsletter Summer 2023 / Newsletter Spring 2023

Newsletter Winter 2023 / Newsletter Fall 2022

Newsletter Summer 2022 / Newsletter Spring 2022

Newsletter Winter 2022 / Newsletter Fall 2021

Newsletter Summer 2021 / Newsletter Spring 2021

Special Studies Funded Under the AASP

Alaska Pavement Management Plan (APMP) - ongoing

                    2023 APMP Update

Denali Area Airports Planning Study - ongoing!

Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Transportation Plan - Final 3/18

Southwest Alaska Transportation Plan - Final 4/16

Northwest Alaska Transportation Plan - Final Key Findings 7/22

Alaska System Security Plan - completed spring 2024

Interior Alaska Transportation Plan - ongoing

Rural Airport Lighting Study - Final Report

Upper Tanana Airport Planning Study - Final Report - 11/2023

Rural Airport Obstruction Planning and Analysis - ongoing





Fact Sheets

What is a System Plan?

CIMP Inspection Program

5010 Airport Master Record Program

APEB Project Prioritization Process

AIP Project Process

Classifications & Performance Measures

Airport Lighting - A Critical Need

Airports' Role in Wildland Firefighting

Essential Air Service (EAS)


Informative White Papers

Critical Aircraft Determination (2024)

The NEPA Process - coming soon!

National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems - coming soon!


FFY2023 Funded AIP Grant Locations (2023)

Alaska Airport System Map (February 2022)

Alaska/Europe Overlay (2024)

Alaska/United States Overlay (2024)

Essential Air Service in Alaska (November 2022)

Completed CIMP Inspections (2021)

Rural Airport Lighting Study - Runway Length Map (2021)

 Willy Widgeon Printable Coloring Book