Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
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Phase III (2020-2025) Project Schedule

Prior AASP Studies

Alaska Aviation System Plan (AASP) updates were completed in 1986 and 1996. In 2008, the DOT&PF began a continuous aviation system planning process, where ongoing airport system planning is conducted, prior work updated, and emerging issues addressed. Phase I of the plan spanned 2008 to 2013, with a wide range of topics addressed, and Phase II from 2013 through 2019. Phase I topics are addressed at Deliverables 2008-2013 and documents can be downloaded from the Documents Tab.

Phase II Tasks

Phase II was completed in 2019 and included:

  • Continual identification of current aviation system planning issues 
  • Ongoing public involvement plan
  • Internal and external website enhancements including new website facelift
  • An annual rural aviation strategic plan
  • Creation and enhancements to the Capital Improvement & Maintenance Program (CIMP) and expansion to the Apple iPad
  • Digitalization of the Airport Project Evaluation Board (APEB) Process and an automated Airport Needs Book
  • Backcountry Airstrip, SPB Performance Measures, and Weather Work Groups
  • Digital performance measure adoption and automation
  • Pavement classification number (PCN) reporting
  • Public photo management module
  • Updated Economic Contribution to Alaska's Economy
  • Final Phase II report- now available on the Documents page

Phase III Work

Phase III kicked off with RESPEC, in collaboration with Panther International, in July of 2020. Initial tasks include:

  • Evaluation of prior phases and airport classification update
  • Updating the public involvement plan and expanding outreach
  • Airport inventory research and website enhancement plan
  • Expansion and update to the Capital Improvement & Maintenance Program (CIMP)
  • Digitalization of Alaska DOT&PF's multi-year Airport Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP)
  • New digital data connections to other systems like NOTAM Manager, FAA's SOARs system, and DOT&PF systems
  • Historic AIP grant information for all airports in Alaska (1982-2023)
  • New public reports - Airport Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP) report & DOT&PF Airport Contacts report
  • Airport Public Comment Map

What's coming in 2024?

  • New Capital Improvement & Maintenance Program (CIMP) iPad application - going live in July 2024!
  • New data connections to DOT&PF's Management Reporting System (MRS) and Airport GIS
  • CIP Datasheet module
  • Western Alaska Resiliency Study final report and recommendations
  • Airport system videos

The AASP continues to set the vision for Alaska's aviation system. We welcome you to remain up-to-date on the current contract by checking this site or contacting Project Manager Rebecca Douglas at for questions or comments.


A more detailed schedule can be downloaded here.


Updated 6/27/24